Novara x ASD Caldiero Terme Betting tips for November 2 in Italy Serie C Group A
📅 2/11/2024 14:00 |
Novara 1.86 |
X 3.10 |
ASD Caldiero Terme 4.10 |
Our algorithm has selected this tip for Novara x ASD Caldiero Terme:
🔮 Novara wins the match
💰 When you bet the bonus of $500 from Bet365 on Novara, you can win up to $930.00!
Some important points for the tip for Novara x ASD Caldiero Terme: 👉 If you had bet $100 on Novara in each of its last 5 matches as home, you would have had a profit of $110.0. |
Do you want other options of bookmakers to bet on Novara x ASD Caldiero Terme?
If you want to take a look at more options of betting websites, we, from the Clube, have listed our favorites for you. Right below you can check the best kenyan betting sites from 2024, carefully analysed by us. Pick yours and start betting now on Novara x ASD Caldiero Terme:
Analysis from Novara x ASD Caldiero Terme for the Italy Serie C Group A – 2 of November
🏟️ Novara X ASD Caldiero Terme – Italy Serie C Group A |
When the best bet on Novara x ASD Caldiero Terme is analysed, notice that our AI model is not interested in getting the right result, but instead in looking for situations where the bookies offer us a positive expected value.
To achieve that, the algorithm analyses more than 1213968 matches from our database seeking for patterns to get to the winning probabilities for the home team, a tie or a victory for the away team. That was the conclusion from our artificial intelligence:
Tips for the 1×2 market for Novara x ASD Caldiero Terme
Should you bet on Novara?
🔵 Novara: the model predicted that the probability of this event happening is 62.46% and we know that avarage odds offered by the bookies are 1.86. In other words, this means that if you made 1000 bets of $1 like this, you:
- Would hit 620 times – this would give you a profit of $533.20
- And would lose other 380 times – having a loss of -$380.00 with them.
Mathematically speaking, this is a value bet because you would have an expected final profit of 💰$153.20.
Is betting on draw worth it?
⚪ draw: our artificial intelligence has calculated that the probability of this event happening is around 24.31%, meanwhile the bookies are offering avarage odds of 3.10. In other words, this means that if you made 1000 bets of $1 like this, you:
- Would hit 240 times – profiting $504.00;
- And would lose other 760 times – having a loss of -$760.00 with them.
So this bet does not have value. After all, you would have an expected loss of 💰-$256.00.
Should you bet on ASD Caldiero Terme?
🔴 ASD Caldiero Terme: the model predicted that the probability of this event happening is 13.23% and we know that avarage odds offered by the bookies are 4.10. This means that if you made 1000 bets of $1 like this, you:
- Would hit 130 times – profiting $403.00;
- And would have lost other 870 times – with a loss of -$870.00 because of them.
Mathematically speaking, it is a negative expected value bet, because you would have an expected final loss of 💰-$467.00.
Handicaps analysis for the match Novara x ASD Caldiero Terme
Another important market to analyse is the Asian handicaps one, our algorithm is also going to help you with that. Maybe you do not even know what this is. If handicap is a 7-headed monster for you, all you have to do is click on our article about Asian handicap on football betting and you will find a complete material to quickly teach you how it works. Click on it and leave it open on another tab to read later..
Moving ahead we can see what the model has in store for these markets here:
⚖ Handicap 1×2: -0.75 Novara
⚽ Expected goals: 2.00 goals
Tips for the Handicap 1×2 market for Novara x ASD Caldiero Terme
⚖ Handicap 1×2: considering the estimates of our model, the main handicap should be -0.75 Novara, and the current handicap offered by bookies is -0.5 Novara.
Since the difference between the handicap we calculated and the offered by the bookie is -0.25, this means that the best bet for the Handicap 1×2 is on: -0.5 Novara.
Tips for the Goals Handicap market for Novara x ASD Caldiero Terme
⚽ Goals Handicap: our model believes that the ideal handicap is 2.00 goals and the available handicap to bet at the moment is 2.00 goals.
Since the handicap offered by bookmakers is the same as the one we got with our model, there is not any value bets on the Goals Handicap market.